Zimmatic Blog
FieldNET Advisor Helps Nebraska Grower Account for Variable Soil Types
Jul 26, 2018

Technology is nothing new on the Godbersen family farming operation.
“We have FieldNET® on 15 of our 22 center pivots. “The technology allows us to monitor the pivots 24/7, which is a huge benefit given the range of miles we cover,” said Jack Godbersen. “With FieldNET, we can diagnose potential problems before travelling to the location, so we can bring the right tools and parts. It also saves time during planting, spraying and harvesting, because we’re able to move the pivots out of the way without stopping the machines.”
The Godbersen’s operation covers parts of four counties in northeast Nebraska. Jack works alongside his father, Gary, and two of his three brothers to raise corn and soybeans.

Last year, they added FieldNET Advisor to one of their pivots. The fully integrated irrigation scheduling tool provides them field-specific information that helps them decide precisely when, where and how much to irrigate.
“FieldNET Advisor is great for fields with variable soil types, because the ground requires different amounts of water. With FieldNET Advisor, we’re able to account for all of the variables and apply the needed water as quickly as possible across all acres,” he said. “I was extremely pleased with how the trial pivot worked and the crops’ reaction this past growing season.”
Because the trial went well, Godbersen plans to add FieldNET Advisor to more pivots.
“I would like to have FieldNET Advisor on as many pivots as possible,” he said. “And I’m recommending it to other growers – especially those with highly variable soil types.”
For more information about FieldNET Advisor, talk to your local Zimmatic dealer or visit www.fieldnetadvisor.com.