Road safety begins with you

Infrastructure impacts our safety, our environment and quality of life.
Pledge to advocate for safer roads and sustainable transportation solutions. Download the Safer Roads Advocate badge below and share on your favorite social media channel, with the hashtag #PledgeForSaferRoads.

3 million U.S. citizens are non-fatally injured in automobile accidents annually.
Over 35k are killed in auto accidents each year (NHTSA). Road traffic crashes are a leading cause of death in the U.S. for people age 1-54. This translates to nearly 90 U.S. dying a day from automobile accidents (CDC).

On average, there are 6 million car accidents in the U.S. every year.
Crash-related injuries are costly -- medical care costs and productivity losses associated with injuries and deaths from motor vehicle crashes exceed $75 billion in 2017 (CDC).

Motor vehicle deaths are 3-10 times higher in rural America, depending on the region.
61% of people who died in fatal crashes in the most rural counties in America were not wearing their seat belts. For every one person killed in a car accident, 8 people are hospitalized and 99 are treated and released from the emergency room (CDC).
Road Zipper

The Road Zipper offers drivers and their precious cargo increased road safety in the form of a moveable barrier that offers real-time traffic flow management to decrease travel time and fuel efficiency.
RTS Guard

RTS Guard is designed to separate bicyclist and pedestrian paths from traffic on busy roads and bridges where there may be high probability of injuries or fatalities.

The Universal TAU-M is a sustainable, easy-to-install and easy-to-repair crash cushion option. The TAU-M is great for most roadside and median hazards and offers a partially reusable design.
Thank you
for taking action to make our roads safer.