A fit for every field and every grower.
Zimmatic irrigation systems are built to last. From industry-leading durability and strength to innovative enhancements and advanced technology, every product is designed to be a part of a custom and flexible solution that best supports you and your field.

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Take a look at our featured resources.
Bulgarian Dairy Farm Turns to Pivot Irrigation
Nov 18, 2022
ET Diana MI, a dairy and cattle operation in Bulgaria, was founded with a love for animals, nature and crops. It is something owner Mincho Ivanov continues to be passionate about to this day. From how clean the livestock operation is to how he’s advancing his irrigation efficiency; Ivanov is leading the way for other farmers and agriculture operations in his country.
How Growers are Creating a More Sustainable Future Today
Apr 14, 2022
Sustainability is not a new buzzword or trend in the agriculture industry. But it has gained incredible momentum over the last decade. Today, farmers around the world are employing more sustainable farming practices to help meet the food demands of our growing population and maintain the conditions of our natural environment.
Center pivot irrigation or drip irrigation: what’s the difference and which method should you use?
Apr 5, 2022
Over time, many different irrigation methods have been adopted by growers to meet the unique needs of their fields. There are, however, two superior methods, namely drip irrigation and center pivot irrigation. Both of these methods are superior because they offer more than 90% water efficiency. So which one should you use in your fields?