Lindsay Stories

Celebrating Our Past While Looking Toward The Future


Celebrating Our Past While Looking Toward The Future

The year was 1948 – President Harry Truman upset Thomas Dewey, Howdy Doody was a popular television show and our founder, Paul Zimmerer, opened a small repair shop in Lindsay, Nebraska.

“An enterprising man, Paul was known to be a tinkerer – someone who could make something out of nothing. Along with his sons Art and Bernie, he designed and built the first Zimmatic center pivot – revolutionizing the way farmers run their operations,” said Tim Hassinger, President and CEO of Lindsay. “More than 70 years later, his pioneering spirit continues to inspire our customer-first innovation and our commitment to help meet the world’s growing agriculture and transportation needs.”

Now a global operation, we continue to build on the legacies of those who have contributed to our company’s history – a history that we recently chronicled in a new book, A Noble Business. Published in late 2019, the book includes detailed timelines, historical photos and first-hand accounts from retirees and current employees who share our story of innovation, determination and resilience.

A Noble Business is both educational and inspirational. Our thanks go to author Michelle Leach for capturing important moments and presenting them in a way that makes us all incredibly proud,” Hassinger said. “I’m a firm believer that in order to move forward successfully, we have to remember where we came from. With this book, we’re able to preserve our rich history while sharing it with our employees, dealers and customers.”