Блог Zimmatic
Moving towards the agriculture of the future: more sustainable and efficient.
2 мар. 2023 г.

Zimmatic team participated in a field day organized by our dealer Acquafert to show around 100 farmers and technicians our value proposition for crop irrigation.
Saving water and efficiency in the field are two of the most important challenges facing European farmers. The different variants of sustainability, mainly economic and environmental, must go together if the sector wants to move towards the agriculture of the future.
In this context, on the 22nd of February we participated in Offlaga, Italy, in a workshop organized by our dealer Acquafert to present to 100 farmers and technicians of the region the most advanced and technological solutions for crop irrigation using pivot systems.
During the workshop, which included interesting presentations and a field day, the characteristics of our irrigation leading brand Zimmatic were explored and its benefits were evaluated both in environmental and economic terms. Our advanced FieldNET remote control solutions for efficient resource management were also presented in the event. The attendees were able to learn first-hand about these technologies during a visit to a plot equipped with a pivot system.