Blog de Zimmatic
New Sprinkler Package Helps Nebraska Overcome Watering Challenges
14 nov 2018
With a lower flow well and tough, sandy soil, Nebraska grower Greg Kreikemeier needed to find a better way to water to his crop.
Zimmatic Pivot Number One – 50 Years Strong
7 nov 2018
The year was 1969. America’s televisions were tuned to Gunsmokeand Marcus Welby, M.D. The Beatles’ Come Togethertopped the Billboard music charts.
Solutions for Every Tracking Need
1 nov 2018
Are you tired of fixing flat tires or dealing with deep wheel ruts in the field?
Program Encourages Conservation While Boosting Production
22 oct 2018
Instead of fighting nature, a program in Nebraska is encouraging growers to work with it.
No Time For Off-Season Maintenance? We Can Help.
17 oct 2018
Drain water off the gearbox. Check U-joints for wear. Grease the pivot point. Inspect switches. These are just a few things that should be included on your off-season pivot maintenance checklist.
Pivot Irrigation Fuels Growth of Giant Pumpkins
11 oct 2018
On his 200-acre operation near Lewiston, Utah, Jim Seamons produces feed for 150 head of Holstein and Jersey dairy cows.
If You Think All Remote Telemetry Systems Are The Same… Think Again
1 oct 2018
When it comes to remote telemetry, don’t settle for less than the best.
Industry-Leading Innovation on Display at Fall Farm Shows
14 sept 2018
What can you expect to see at this year’s fall farm shows?
New FieldNET® Modem Supports 4G LTE Technology
5 sept 2018
We are very pleased to announce that FieldNET technology will soon be available with 4G LTE technology.